
E-Mail Marketing, das sich bezahlt macht!

Wir garantieren dir einen ROAS von mindestens 1000 %

Die perfekte Lösung für deinen Online Shop

96% Time savings

More time for your business thanks to our all-inclusive newsletter solution.

0% risk

Performance-based pricing: You only pay if our newsletter create sales.

15-30 % more sales

Mehr wiederkehrende Käufer und weniger Warenkorbabbrüche lassen deine Umsätze steigen.

100% Swiss made

Swiss quality from A-Z: Swiss server, Swiss development, Swiss contacts.

Content as a Service

We text for you, translate them into the language of your customers if necessary and create suitable visuals for your newsletter.

Campaign as a Service

The planning, implementation and optimization of your campaigns are of course part of the all-inclusive newsletter solution.

Automation as a Service

Wir automatisieren die Customer Journey, tracken die relevanten Daten und erstellen ein individuelles Reporting für dich.

The all-inclusive solution for your newsletters.

That's how email marketing is done today

Du möchtest professionelle Newsletter versenden, aber hast keine Zeit oder weisst nicht genau wie? Dann ist maatoo genau das Richtige für dich! Von der Planung der Kampagnen, über die Erstellung des Contents bis zur Automatisierung übernehmen wir alles für dich – ohne Fixkosten oder Vorinvestition.

Die perfekte Lösung für deinen Online Shop

15-30 % more sales

Mehr wiederkehrende Käufer und weniger Warenkorbabbrüche lassen deine Umsätze steigen.

96 % Zeitersparnis

More time for your business thanks to our all-inclusive newsletter solution.

0 % Risiko

Performance-based pricing: You only pay if our newsletter create sales.

100 % Swiss made

Swiss quality from A-Z: Swiss server, Swiss development, Swiss contacts.


So einfach geht's

4 steps to a successful newsletter

Experience newsletter 2.0

By clicking the button you can try our all-inclusive newsletter solution for free.

Free Consultation

During the first meeting we will listen to your needs and make you an individual offer.

Onboarding & Setup

Now you're ready to go! During the onboarding we adjust the marketing campaigns exactly to your design and your needs.

Implementation & Optimization

We'll execute the campaigns according to the editorial plan and optimize them continuously.

Our customers

We let our customers speak

"Already in the first month, every 4th order was generated by an existing customer thanks to maatoo. The order value per customer has also increased by 225%."
Mario Hässig
Owner & CEO Hobby-Shop Hässig
"With maatoo, we have a segmented view of our high-value customers for the first time. Since the launch, shopping cart abandonment has decreased by 70%."
Philippe Neidhart
Owner Neidhart SA
"Thanks to maatoo, we promote our products easily with personalized newsletters. The share of regular customers has increased by 34%."

Dominique Rosenmund
Manager Schlussgangshop

More sales.
Less work.
Zero risks.

Sounds too good to be true? We stand behind this promise with our names. Convince yourself of maatoo!

Niklaus Moser
Simon Balz
Stefan Gautschi

More sales.
Less work.
Zero risks.

Sounds too good to be true? We stand behind this promise with our names. Convince yourself of maatoo!

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